
March 8, 2011

PetHub is One Smart IDea!
This brand new, hot-off-the-press product is a revolution for petowners: an ID tag tied to an updatable online presence for your pet! And, get this: for the month of March, these scannable ID tags, which normally sell for $9 (plus $3 S&H), can be yours for FREE. You pay only the $3 shipping & handling fee!
Here’s what you’ll get: the handsome PetHub Link ID tag which you scan in to create a custom account on PetHub.com that hosts your dog’s or cat’s data for free. You control whatever info you want displayed on his page and can update it anytime.
For example, if your pet were ever lost, you could update his page to let people know he’s lost, how to contact you for his safe return, any medications he needs, vet’s name, where he was last seen, what he’s wearing, his favorite treats, your favorite treats, or anything else. The page shows only what you want displayed, whenever you want it out there. By default, pages show only pet’s photo and name, but you can update it anytime to add any critical information as needed. Get the word out, whether just for fun, on a whim, or in a life-or-death emergency.
The site gives easy to follow, step by step instructions on ordering and setting up the account. Pet pages will be hosted free, for as long as you want it. And you always have the option to display as much or as little info as you’d like.
The possibilities are limitless, just like your love for your best friend.
Remember, order by March 31, 2011 and pay only $3 shipping and handling! Bring Fido into the 21st century and rest easier knowing he’s got his own online presence, all under your control.
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