March 10, 2010

How often does your dog need a bath?
How often your dog needs a bath depends on his lifestyle and coat. A dog romping in the fields all day will likely need a bath more frequently than a more sedentary dog, and a dog with long hair will likely need to be bathed more often than a short-coated dog. As a general rule a dog should not be bathed more than once every two to four weeks. Over-bathing can strip your dog’s coat of natural oils and cause dry skin.
If your dog is firmly against the idea of bathing, you might be able to change his mind by re-introducing the concept gradually. Calmly put your dog in the bath or sink and give him a couple treats. Do this every day. Gradually have your dog stay in for longer periods. Then let the faucet drip a little. Over time, let your dog get comfortable with a stronger flow of water and with sensation of standing in water.
Choosing a Shampoo
Never use human shampoo on your dog. Human shampoos do not have the correct pH for a dog’s skin and coat, and human shampoos can end up causing rashes or other skin irritations. Instead, find a gentle dog shampoo to use. Look for dog shampoo brands that contain natural and non-irritating ingredients such as aloe or oatmeal. You can also ask your veterinarian to recommend a shampoo, especially if your dog has a special skin condition.
Getting Ready For Bath Time
To prepare for bathing your dog, you first need to be wearing the right clothes. It is highly probable that you are going to get wet in the process so it is best to have on shorts, a bathing suit, or even your birthday suit. Have your shampoo and several towels within easy reach. A rubber non-skid mat in the sink, bath, or shower will make your dog more comfortable and give him firm footing.
To learn more about bathing and drying your dog, click here.

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