June 25, 2008

Puzzle Prone? Com-'pet'-itive?

Are you the Top-dog at puzzles, always up for a grrrr-eat challenge? Gadzoo.com has just launched a fun, pet-themed Sudoku game called Gadzooku. It combines the challenge of the pawpular Sudoku puzzle with your passion for pets. Play it just as you would regular Sudoku, using their colorful pet icons instead of the traditional numbers 1-9, to fill each column, row and 3 x 3 section using each icon only once.


Serious com-pet-itors will want to dig into their Facebook application with more features including: Level Selection, User Statistics, a Top-10 Leader Board and ‘Challenge a Friend’ Mode.

CAUTION: Dog-gone addictive!

Gadzooku for Facebook (NEW)

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