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November 1, 2023

Daily Kibble Giveaway: Spread the Love - WIN $1,000 for the Shelter or Pet Rescue Group of YOUR CHOICE and $100 Petco Gift Card for YOURSELF!

For every animal shelter, every rescue, and every individual working to help dogs and cats find good homes, all of us at Daily Kibble say Thank You! That's why we’d like to help make this season of love and generosity an extra special one for a very lucky Daily Kibble subscriber.

If you are the lucky winner, you'll receive a $100 Petco Gift Card for yourself and a $1,000 cash donation from Daily Kibble for your favorite shelter or rescue. Whether it helps buy meals, pay for toys, support veterinary services, or something else, this gift will let the organization use the money where they need it most. Winning our Spread the Love 2023 Giveaway will help make this season a truly special one for both, you and the homeless animals you'll be helping.

It pays to read Daily Kibble. One lucky Daily Kibble subscriber will WIN $1,000 for the Shelter or Rescue of their choice and a $100 Petco Gift Card for themselves! Entries will be accepted between November 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024. If you don't know of a rescue, we'll select one for you. The lucky winner will be announced on February 2, 2024.

Click here to enter


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