
March 30, 2007

They'll Beg for More
Remember the good old days, when fast food was a home-cooked meal that only took a half a day to prepare? Back then, there was no such thing as pet food Fido or Fifi ate whatever leftovers Grandma and Grandpa were willing to share.
So why do dogs and cats seem less healthy today then they did way back when?
Sojos by Sojourner Farms offers all natural dog and cat food that lets you make fresh, homemade and wholesome pet food in minutes. Just add meat and water to one of their natural pet food mixes and Bingo! You’re done. You won’t find chemical-laden preservatives or nasty added colors in the mix, but you will find naturally-occurring vitamins, minerals and enzymes that have been cooked right out of the usual dog kibble. Plus fresh batches of all-natural dog treats cooked weekly for the ultimate in freshness let you reward your pet with a tasty snack that’s healthy, too.
Once they’ve mastered healthful pet food, maybe they can create a wholesome Twinkie for us.