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June 14, 2007

Summer Pants

Dogs often suffer silently in the summer heat and while panting helps, would you really rely on panting alone to cool him off in this, the 21st century? Not! Cool Vest™, one of the best selling new products in Japan last year, is now available in the U.S.

Stylish, lightweight, washable, and innovative, it’s made of a special fabric that absorbs and retains water. It’s science at its simplest - cooling through evaporation! As water gradually evaporates, heat is removed.

Good for all sizes, ages, and kinds of dogs. It covers vital organs, providing optimum cooling effects (no excessive coldness) while dog remains completely dry. No toxic chemicals or gels. Just basic science using water.

“Get rid of those long pants” takes on a new meaning this summer for those sporting Cool Vest.™

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