
August 27, 2007

Send a Card That's All Bark (and No Bite)
You told the world when you moved, when you were married, and when you had children. Shouldn’t the latest member of your family get her moment to shine?
At BarkTalk.com, you’ll find pet greetings with panache, including New Puppy Announcements (pink or blue with space for photos), Puppy Shower Invitations (the latest trend for savvy about-to-be pet ownerswe love the “It’s My Party and I’ll Bark if I want To” card), Dog Birthday Party Invitations (because having a “paw-ty” is all the rage these days), and Dog Thank You Cardsbecause forgetting to say thank you could land you in the dog house!
Discover all that and more, including designer dog collars, clothes for dog lovers, dog jewelry and charms, gifts and supplies. Because no one deserves their place in the sun like your best friend!