
August 30, 2007

Urine-Off? Or Romanoff?
You’re a huge Russian history buff, we know. Your favorite haunt was always the Russian Tea Room, and you miss it. You’d feed your Borzoi, Igor, a diet of blini and caviar if his little canine stomach could handle it. Instead, you slip him a little pumpernickel on rare occasions as you sip your Stoli.
But when it comes to removing urine stains and odors, you’re playing Russian Roulette unless you get the one, the only Urine-Off! It’s backed by serious scientific research and rigorous study. It’s the #1 Veterinarian recommended treatment for urine stains and odors, even old ones that may have permeated carpet and padding.
For cats and dogs. Finally, a path to détente for you, your pet, and those stains.