Kent, WA
Loves: Eating rocks & cuddling
Hates: Operations to remove rocks |
Cee Cee
Seneca, IL Loves : Giving lots of Kisses Hates: Being far away from us |
Plano, IL.
Loves: Bones, naps mom Sadie
Hates: Her electric fence
Plano, IL
Loves: New toys & visitors Hates: Nothing! |
Cardwell, MO
Loves: Playing with sister Sarah
Hates: The vet & riding in cars |
Bridgette Flickinger
Redford Township, Michigan
Loves: Her "daddy"
Hates: When "daddy" goes to work |
Important Note: when submitting your pet's picture, be sure to include: Pet's name, location,
loves (4-5 words), and hates (4-5 words).